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It’s not just Texas that likes things big. The entire country likes things big. Look at our fast food restaurants and check out their cup sizes! You could take a bath in their medium sizes. The large size would be a pool for a small family. We build huge skyscrapers, roadways that are bigger than most countries and huge cars. I'm not exactly sure when America went big time but I know the big cars started way back. At the time they didn't know ergonomics like they do now. Basically now they know how to fit a ten pound object into a five pound box. Pontiac really got on the big bandwagon and one of the results was the Catalina. The Pontiac Catalina was a great car. It looked great, road like a dream and was just plain cool. Many a person bought a Catalina and then cruised their heart out. It was just an awesome car that had so many good things going for it. But one thing not going for it was the radio. In a car this big you need a nice sounding radio. Cruising in a Catalina demands a good sound system and the folks at Vintage Car Radio can set you up in any way you want. They have so many options that your mind will boggle. Whatever you may need, Vintage Car Radio has it and all their radios are top of the heap. They have only the best systems from the best manufacturers like Custom Autosound, Ken Harrison, Performance Years, RediRad, Stereo Conversion and Out of Sight Audio. These are the best radios money can buy. You could go the local Wally World and get some generic system but it won't sound as good and it won't fit as well. Vintage Car Radio only stocks the best and the money you save is only above the hassle that you'll save with how well these radios fit and sound.